Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Yesterday concluded the annual Westminster Dog Show in New York City! (I thought it was in England?) Anyhow, I was running on the treadmill at the gym this morning and couldn't take my eyes off the fluffy monsters in the toy competition.  They're so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!!

This was the Toy Breeds winner (?) It's an Affenpinscher (huh? looks like a baby monkey)

Banana Joe V Tani Kazari

These are the rest of the doggies that were making me squeal in delight and make a fool of myself in public.  As you can see, I love the long hair breeds! (obvi.) And their names are hilarious too! Wheeeeeeee!

Malibu Dream
Wei-Syng Lucky Mi
Pawsitively Pawparazzi
The King of Pop
Angel Wings at Dulcinea
Love T'Look

Butters Scotch

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Surviving Siberia

In case you haven't noticed, it's hella cold and snowy outside. Allright, it's not really that bad, (today) and the snow is kind of pretty, but still:

It's winter.

And if Beyonce can't even sing live because of the cold, I'm quickly realizing that I'll have to adjust my hair- and skin-care regimens to survive the chilling season that is winter in Chicago requires.

The main difference between summer and winter (besides up to 100 degrees) is moisture. In the winter your skin and hair are naturally drier, and lose even more moisture to the dry, cold air.

First for hair: Argan oil is a great source of moisture, and it is easily absorbed into the hair shaft. I love Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask. Used weekly as a deep conditioner for 20 minutes up to overnight it helps keep hair from drying up and looking sad in the winter,

Now for skin: Hands especially need moisture in the winter.  L'occitane 20% Shea Butter hand cream is a rich and creamy hand lotion that moisturizes and protects hands from additional moisture loss.

For lips (and noses!) I love Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm all day long! It is tint and fragrance free and instantly helps with dry, chapped lips.

During the day I like Proactiv Repairing Treatment. (yes, I'm coming out of the Proactiv closet. I've used it for 10 years and I LOVE it!)  This daily face lotion is non-comedogenic, (doesn't clog pores) moisturizes, and protects facial skin.

At night I can use a facial lotion that is a little lighter, since I'm not going outside. (and to give my skin a break from other heavier lotions) I've been using Trader Joe's Oil-Free Antioxidant Facial Moisturizer. It feels light and fresh, has tons of vitamins for your skin, and costs $7! Can't beat that!!!

There you go, hopefully these tips will help you get through winter, and since Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday morning we can look forward to an early spring this year! Stay warm! (and moisturized)